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Vet bills from high to low cost for common dog health problems

Hip Dysplasia

-A total hip replacement can cost $5000.00 or more in an average size dog

-Pain medication and joint supplements cost extra


- Weakness and pain in the hind legs are the usual clinical signs

- Lameness

- Stiff and sore

- Decreased activity

- Decreased range of motion

- Difficulty or reluctance rising, jumping, running, or climbing stairs


- Any dog can be affected, however genetics plays a role.

- Large breed dogs such as German Shepherds, Saint Bernards, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Bulldogs are more predisposed

- Incidence rate of more than 70% in pure breeds

- requires a diagnosis by a veterinarian

- Does not resolve unless surgically treated

- Dogs that don’t undergo surgical procedures take non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief


- An exam, including x-rays and lab work can cost as much as $500.00

- Therapeutic treatments, such as cold laser therapy, physical therapy or acupuncture can cost between $50.00 and $100.00 per session

-Surgery may significantly increase treatment costs depending on the procedure and size of the dog

-Pain medication and joint supplements cost extra


- Inflammation of the joints

- Stiffness

- Difficulty getting up

- Lethargy

- Reluctance to run, jump, or play

- Weight gain

- Irritability or changes in behavior

- Pain when petted or touched

- Loss of muscle mass over the limbs and spine


- Arthritis can occur in any animal, though older dogs are more commonly affected than younger dogs

- 20% of middle-aged dogs and 90% of older dogs have osteoarthritis in at least one joint

- Wear and tear

- Requires a diagnosis by a veterinarian

Bloat or GDV

Bloat or GDV

- Treatment for bloat in dogs ranges between $2,500.00 and $5,000.00

- Pain medications, antibiotics, IV fluids 

- Medical procedure includes decompression of the stomach either by passing a tube from the mouth into the stomach, or inserting a needle into the stomach from outside the body if a tube cannot be passed

- If the stomach is twisted, it must be returned to its correct anatomical position surgically, and a gastropexy is performed to prevent it from recurring. In this procedure, the stomach is sewn to the abdominal wall to prevent it from twisting again. Ideally, surgery occurs after the dog’s stomach has been decompressed


- Distended belly

- Retching (trying to vomit)

- Pacing and restlessness

- Pain and distress

- Difficulty breathing


- For large breeds, the risk of developing bloat goes up 20% each year after the age of 5

- Vets are not entirely sure why this happens but there are a number of things that can predispose a dog to bloat:

deep chested large breed dogs, eating too much at once, eating fast, exercising after eating, eating one meal a day, fearful or anxious temperament

- This is a medical emergency that requires immediate veterinary attention

Broken Bones | Fractures

-If only a splint or cast is required, costs may not exceed $1000.00

-If surgery is required, the cost is $2000.00 or more Follow up care will add to the final cost


- Difficulty moving the joint(s)

- Pain and stiffness

- Swelling and bruising 

- Unwillingness or inability to walk

- Limping


- Requires a diagnosis by a veterinarian

- Diagnosis requires physical exam, x-rays

- Resolves within weeks to months

- Causes include: vehicular trauma, play and exercise, falls, underlying disease, age (young bones are not fully formed), breed (toy breeds have tiny bones, easy to break), and bone cancer

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Periodontal disease and fractured teeth

- A complete dental cleaning under anesthesia and including dental x-rays may range between $500.00 and $1200.00 depending on the size of the dog and severity of existing periodontal disease.

- Extractions, if indicated, will increase the total cost by several hundred dollars depending on the number of teeth extracted as well as specific teeth

-Some teeth require much more time and effort to extract


- Bad breath

- Plaque buildup

- Bleeding gums

- Pain when eating

- Change of chewing or eating habits

- Tooth loss

- Subdued behavior


- Affecting approximately 80% of dogs by the time they are 3 years old

- Most tooth fractures occur when dogs chew objects that are too hard, like ice cubes, bones, pig hooves etc.. 

- Requires a diagnosis by a veterinarian

- This requires ongoing preventative care


- The cost of testing varies from clinic to clinic and may depend on the number of allergens tested, but on average costs are $200.00 

-Medications to remedy allergies cost extra and are ongoing costs


- Scratching

- Itching

- Sneezing

- Licking

- Hives

- Swelling of the face, ears, lips, eyelids, or earflaps

- Red, inflamed skin

- Gastrointestinal signs

- Diarrhea, vomiting


- Affects up to 50% of all American dogs

- Flea allergies

- Food allergies

- Environmental factors

- In dogs, allergies usually start to develop between 1 and 3 years of age.They may start as late as age 6 or 8, but over 80% start earlier

Ear infections

- Most cases of otitis can be treated for $150.00 to $300.00


- Head shaking

- Scratching

- Itching

- Redness and swelling 

- Pain

- Crusting or scabs in the ears

- Odor


- 20% of dogs have some form of ear infections

- Dogs with long, droopy ears, such as hound breeds, are prone to developing ear infections due to their ear anatomy

- Dogs that enjoy swimming may also be more susceptible to ear infections

- Diagnosis requires physical exam, ear cytology, in some cases advanced imaging like MRI or CT scan

Broken Nails

- Costs may be several hundred dollars if anesthesia or sedation is required


- Pain

- Limping

- Bleeding


- Broken nails are more common in dogs that have long nails and that are very active

- Diagnosis requires an examination of the nail

- Performed by the vet

- Anti-inflammatories, analgesics, and antibiotics are usually prescribed

- Generally, the fractured nail is removed entirely. Anesthesia or sedation may be required. Bleeding will be controlled either with clotting powder, bandage, or cautery. Although the bleeding may appear to be intense, a healthy dog will not lose a significant amount of blood. Once the nail is removed, healing will begin. Eventually a new nail will grow, although this may take months

Kennel Cough


- A strong cough is the most obvious symptom

- Runny nose

- Sneezing

- Lethargy

- Loss of appetite

- Low fever


- Dogs of any age and breed can get Kennel Cough

- Resolves in 2-3 weeks

- Medications typically are not needed, but the vet may prescribe cough medicine and antibiotics to help lessen the severity of the dog’s symptoms especially in dogs that are not vaccinated

Pet Insurance vs. VX Pet Magic

Pet health insurance often restricts the drugs and techniques that can be used in treating your cat or dog. When owners present their policy to their vet, the drugs chosen per the policy are not always the right ones for your pet. Sure, your vet can start that way, but there are medical reasons why the pet might need an alternative, non-covered drug or treatment.  

The good news is that you can take some simple steps to reduce your pet’s veterinary expenses without compromising on care. Preventive is key, starting with the basics of responsible pet ownership- VX Pet Magic.

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