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Vet bills from high to low cost for common cat health problems

High Rise Syndrome | Fractures

Without pet insurance, and depending on the type of injury, treatment costs $2000.00 or more

- Swelling 

- Vocalisation- crying and meowing

- Not walking or putting any weight on a limb

- Loss of appetite

- Not grooming themselves


- Happens mostly to young cats with developing bones, old cats with brittle bones, malnourished cats with weak bones, and obese cats with added stress on bones

- Cats most often break their bones when they misjudge a leap or fall from a height

- Cats are often more severely injured when they fall from lower versus higher heights

Kidney disease

Kidney disease


-$990.00 /yr


Lethargy and/or sleeping more than usual

Increased thirst

Frequent urination

Decreased appetite

Unexplained and often rapid weight loss

High blood pressure


Mainly a problem in older cats

Veterinarians estimate that 50% of cats over 12 years old will develop kidney failure

In order to slow the progression of kidney disease, it requires multiple checkups and ongoing vet costs

Periodontal disease

-A complete dental cleaning under anesthesia, including dental x-rays may range between $500.00 and $1200.00

- Extractions will increase the total cost by several hundred dollars depending on the number of teeth extracted as well as specific teeth


- Bad breath

- Gingivitis

- Bleeding gums

- Red or swollen gums

- Pawing at the face

- Drooling

- Loose or missing teeth

- Loss of appetite

- Difficulty


- 85% of cats aged three years and older have some sort of dental  disease

- Requires ongoing preventative care

- Diagnosis requires physical exam (awake and sedated), dental x-rays

FLUTD (Feline Urinary Tract Disease) | FIC (Feline Idiopathic Cystitis)

FLUTD (Feline Urinary Tract Disease) | FIC (Feline Idiopathic Cystitis)


-Without pet insurance the average cost to treat is $500.00


- Straining to urinate

- Urinating small amounts

- Frequent and/or prolonged attempts to urinate

- Crying out while urinating

- Excessive licking of the genital area

- Urinating outside the litter box

- Blood in the urine

- Inflammation of the bladder and urethra

- Bladder stones

- Urethral blockage


- Cats of any age, breed and gender can be affected by FLUTD, but is more common in middle-aged cats, and neutered cats

- Affects 3% of cats each year

- Diagnosis requires physical exam, X-rays, blood work, urinalysis

- Caused by: emotional stress, environmental stress, multi-cat households, and abrupt changes in daily routine

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Diarrhea | Vomiting (Gastroenteritis)

Diarrhea | Vomiting (Gastroenteritis)

-The treatment for managing gastroenteritis varies widely and depends on the underlying cause

-$400.00 for mild cases while severe cases requiring hospitalization, and/or surgery may cost $3000.00 or more


- Heaving

- Abdominal pain

- Lethargy

- Weakness

- Dehydration

- Fever


- Eating something poisonous (cleaning agents), plants/grass, or something inedible (like string)

- Change in diet

- Hairballs

- Infections (bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic) 

- Diabetes,

- Hyperthyroidism

- Liver, or kidney disease

- Cancers

- Medication is needed for the majority

Upper Respiratory Infections (URI)- nose, throat, and sinus

Upper Respiratory Infections (URI)- nose, throat, and sinus


-Can often be treated at home with or without medication

-If taken to the vet, without pet insurance, average cost to treat is $357.00


- Discharge from the eyes and nose

- Squinting and rubbing eyes

- Runny nose

- Cough

- Lethargy

- Fever

- Poor appetite

- Ulcers

- Stress


- Cat flu can come from humane societies, shelters, adoption centers, sharing cat bowls, litter boxes, and cat toys

- Goes away in 1 to 3 weeks

Ear infections

Ear infections


-Without pet insurance the average cost to treat is $100.00 to $300.00


- Scratching

- Rubbing 

- Head shaking

- Head tilt

- Walking in circles 

- Redness and swelling 

- Loss of balance

- Odor


- Ear mites

- Ear injuries

- Wax buildup

- Grass for example lodged in the ear

Pet Insurance vs. VX Pet Magic

Pet health insurance often restricts the drugs and techniques that can be used in treating your cat or dog. When owners present their policy to their vet, the drugs chosen per the policy are not always the right ones for your pet. Sure, your vet can start that way, but there are medical reasons why the pet might need an alternative, non-covered drug or treatment.  

The good news is that you can take some simple steps to reduce your pet’s veterinary expenses without compromising on care. Preventive is key, starting with the basics of responsible pet ownership- VX Pet Magic.

Relieve your PET's PAIN and improve their quality of life with PEMF therapy.

Learn More About the Benefits of PEMF Therapy for Pets

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